RADIATE Guest Researcher Program Application

Astrid Berens

    Full Name:




    E-mail address:


    Please include your current CV (.pdf or .doc/docx, max. 2MB) here:

    Current Occupation:

    Affiliation (employer):

    Main area(s) of research (select all that apply):


    Briefly describe your research topics and scientific profile:


    Let us know about your motivation to take part in the RADIATE Guest Researcher Program and summarize the experiments and subjects you are interested in pursuing during your time as a guest researcher:


    All RADIATE project partners are prospective guest researcher hosts and you will be matched with the most fitting host. If you have already made contact with one of the project partners and would like to apply to stay with this host, please mention this here:


    Privacy policy:

    Please note that your submitted data will be recorded and used for funding, statistical and administrative purposes only. The RADIATE Guest Researcher Program is part of the RADIATE project funded by the EU. In accordance with reporting requirements from the European Commission, all submitted data is collected by HZDR as the RADIATE project coordinator and may be accessed by the European Commission for official use (project reporting). Your data will be forwarded to your future host facility / mentor, if you are chosen as a participant.
    Otherwise, your data remains confidential and will not be shared with other organisations without the knowledge of the users, unless this is required by law.
    Your data will be used internally for the RADIATE reports to the EU and will be deleted after the project's final report, at the latest in April 2023.
    More information on ionbeamcenters.eu Data protection and privacy policy.


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