Atomki, Hungary

MTA Atomki is a research institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a national accelerator center. Since its foundation in 1954, nuclear physics by particle accelerators has been one of its main research fields. Today, Atomki is a multidisciplinary research center, where atomic and molecular physics, ion-beam physics, surface sciences and environmental research have grown to similarly important fields.

Most topics and activities are connected to the methodology and the instrumentation of accelerator-based nuclear physics. Atomki has an MGC-20E Cyclotron (K=20), Van de Graaff accelerators with 1 MV and 5 MV terminal voltages, an Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion source, and a MICADAS 200kV AMS facility for radiocarbon dating.

Atomki Accelerator Centre is a registered open access strategic research infrastructure in the Hungarian Infrastructure Register NEKIFUT (a national register for ESFRI) and the European register MERIL. The newest accelerator is a 2 MV Tandetron (High Voltage Engineering Europa, HVEE), inaugurated in 2015. Its full configuration has been completed in October 2018 with a dual Multicusp ion source (providing high intensity and high brightness H and He ion beams) and a Cesium sputtering ion source the heavier ions, as well as a high energy extension featuring a large 90-degree analyzing magnet and slits feedback energy stabilization.

A scanning nuclear nanoprobe endstation is currently under construction. The Tandetron Laboratory is also equipped with a complex analytical endstation (PIXE, RBS, ERDA, IBIL, etc.) produced by National Electrostatics Corp. (NEC). The external beam setup is equipped with a RaySpec X-ray detector cluster to allow very large solid angle detection for PIXE analyses. Several other beamlines will also be available for present and future users both internal and external.

A virtual tour of the Tandetron Laboratory featuring its equipment and beamlines is available at ATOMKI.


Atomki’s main areas of competence:

  • nuclear physics by particle accelerators
  • multidisciplinary research center: atomic and molecular physics, ion beam physics, surface sciences, and environmental research

Role in RADIATE:

    • contributing to joint research activities: “Detectors and Electronics”
      Atomki and RBI will explore radiation detectors and low-noise detectors for different secondary products (ions, electrons, photons) in the range of ion energies above a few hundred keV
    • contributing to joint research activities: “Beams and Sources” Atomki will do beam optics calculations and test calculated configurations for nanoprobes on the Tandetron equipped with the Multicusp ion source
    • implementation of an innovation manager to boost industry service activities


The ion beam analytical endstation allows PIXE, RBS, ERDA, IBIL, and channeling experiments. (National Electrostatics Corp.) ©  Atomki / I. RajtaThe MeV ion nanoprobe setup at Atomki features new generation quadrupole magnets in a spaced triple configuration. (Oxford Microbeams Ltd.) © Atomki / I. RajtaPanoramic view of Atomki's Tandetron Laboratory (Nov 2018). The accelerator is equipped with a dual multicusp ion source for H and He, and a Cesium sputter ion source, as well as a 90-degree analyzing magnet to allow slit stabilization ©  Atomki / R. RaczTandetron accelerator at Atomki. (High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V.)




Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Nuclear Research
Bem square 18/c
4026 Debrecen

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