MTA Atomki is a research institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a national accelerator center. Since its foundation in 1954, nuclear physics by particle accelerators has been one of its main research fields. Today, Atomki is a multidisciplinary research center, where atomic and molecular physics, ion-beam physics, surface sciences and environmental research have grown to similarly important fields.
Most topics and activities are connected to the methodology and the instrumentation of accelerator-based nuclear physics. Atomki has an MGC-20E Cyclotron (K=20), Van de Graaff accelerators with 1 MV and 5 MV terminal voltages, an Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion source, and a MICADAS 200kV AMS facility for radiocarbon dating.
Atomki Accelerator Centre is a registered open access strategic research infrastructure in the Hungarian Infrastructure Register NEKIFUT (a national register for ESFRI) and the European register MERIL. The newest accelerator is a 2 MV Tandetron (High Voltage Engineering Europa, HVEE), inaugurated in 2015. Its full configuration has been completed in October 2018 with a dual Multicusp ion source (providing high intensity and high brightness H and He ion beams) and a Cesium sputtering ion source the heavier ions, as well as a high energy extension featuring a large 90-degree analyzing magnet and slits feedback energy stabilization.
A scanning nuclear nanoprobe endstation is currently under construction. The Tandetron Laboratory is also equipped with a complex analytical endstation (PIXE, RBS, ERDA, IBIL, etc.) produced by National Electrostatics Corp. (NEC). The external beam setup is equipped with a RaySpec X-ray detector cluster to allow very large solid angle detection for PIXE analyses. Several other beamlines will also be available for present and future users both internal and external.
Atomki’s main areas of competence:
- nuclear physics by particle accelerators
- multidisciplinary research center: atomic and molecular physics, ion beam physics, surface sciences, and environmental research
Role in RADIATE:
- contributing to joint research activities: “Detectors and Electronics”
Atomki and RBI will explore radiation detectors and low-noise detectors for different secondary products (ions, electrons, photons) in the range of ion energies above a few hundred keV - contributing to joint research activities: “Beams and Sources” Atomki will do beam optics calculations and test calculated configurations for nanoprobes on the Tandetron equipped with the Multicusp ion source
- implementation of an innovation manager to boost industry service activities
- contributing to joint research activities: “Detectors and Electronics”
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Nuclear Research
Bem square 18/c
4026 Debrecen