CIMAP (CNRS), France

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is a public organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research. The Centre de recherche sur les Ions, les MAtériaux et la Photonique (CIMAP) is affiliated with CNRS.

Since 1982, the CIMAP (ex-CIRIL) laboratory leads the interdisciplinary research at the GANIL (Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds or National Large Heavy Ion Accelerator in English) facility. The CIMAP laboratory supports the developments of experiments. For this purpose, it welcomes external users and develops equipment adapted to the proposed experiments (beam lines, irradiation chambers, on-line measurements…).

Interdisciplinary research at GANIL can be defined along different topics whose objective is to study the mechanisms of ion – atom collisions, their consequences on the atomic arrangements, on the physical and chemical properties, no matter what is the atomic arrangement. Also the target can consist of atoms, molecules, clusters, surfaces and materials of all types. This research is mainly focused on the effects of the electronic excitations produced by multi-charged ions at high- or low-velocity.

CIMAP has three main missions: fundamental experimental and theoretical research, user facility for interdisciplinarx research using GANIL ion beams, and commitment in student teaching.


CIMAP’s main areas of competence:

  • low-energy ion implantation

Role in RADIATE:

    • leader of joint research activity task: “High-resolution X-ray detectors” CNRS is combining CIMAP’s expertise of low-energy microbeam optics with INSP’s expertise of X-ray, detectors, multidetector arrangements, and data processing
    • providing 1600 hours of transnational access to users at the GANIL facility


CIMAP Ion Implantation / Irradiation:

Ion speciesH-Bi (middle charged ions,typ. 19+ for Xe)
Ion energy3 - 30 qkeV
Depth rangeup to 300 nm
Fluencesingle ion - 1018 cm-2
Incidence angleStandard 0°
Beam currentfA - nA
Sample sizeSmall pieces (cm2)
Temperature ambiant
Special featuresLocalized implantation (100 nm)


Ion species
H to U
Ion energykeV - GeV
Charge state1+ to 56+
Ion flux109 - 1012cm-2s-1


Ion speciesH-Bi (middle charged ions,typ. 19+ for Xe)
Energy 3-30 qkeV
Beam currentsfa - nA
Resolution100 nm spot mode, 25 nm microscopy mode
Special featuresIn situ SEM and AFM/STM


CIMAP's IRRSUD Beamline for ions up to 1 MeV/u © CIMAP / CNRSCIMAP's PELIICAEN: development of a platform allowing creation, modification and analysis of nano-structures and their controlled 3-D doping © CIMAP / CNRSCIMAP's HE beamline for ion beam energies up to 100 MeV/u © CIMAP / CNRSCIMAP's SME: Beamline for ions around 10 MeV/u © CIMAP / CNRS



Centre National de la recherche scientifique CNRS
Rue Michel Ange 3
75794 Paris

Centre de recherche sur les Ions, les MAtériaux et las Photonique (CIMAP)
Boulevard Henri Becquerel – BP5133
Caen Cedex 5

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