JYU, Finland

The University of Jyväskylä (JYU) with its six faculties is one of the largest universities in Finland. The Department of Physics’ (JYFL) research and education areas cover theoretical and experimental subatomic and materials physics and applications. The Accelerator Laboratory (AL) offers broad range of instrumentation and a large variety of light-and heavy-ion beams for basic research and applications.

The AL has four accelerators (two cyclotrons, one Pelletron tandem accelerator and one electron LINAC), which are used for nuclear physics, radiation hardness tests and materials research. Large portion of the beam time of the bigger cyclotron is used for commercial services. The AL has also a helium/neon ion microscope (HIM) located in the clean room of the Jyväskylä NanoScience Center clean room. “Structure of matter with accelerator-based methods” is one of the key profiling areas of the University of Jyväskylä. The AL is one of the largest and most international research infrastructures in Finland with typically over 200 visits by foreign researchers per year.

Within RADIATE the main activities are ion beam analysis and imaging: TOF-ERDA for depth profiling of all elements, high energy resolution PIXE for applications requiring great sensitivity and HIM imaging. The materials research activities within the AL are strongly supported by researchers and instruments within the Jyväskylä NanoScience Center.

As a university laboratory, it provides an ideal environment for graduate students and young scientists for active participation in international experiments as well as in the design and construction of instrumentation. The JYFL Accelerator Laboratory has acted as a Marie Curie Training Site, and was awarded by the Academy of Finland a status of a Finnish Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Nuclear and Accelerator Based Physics for 2006-2017.

Since 2005, it is recognised by the European Space Agency (ESA) as an official radiation test facility for space electronics. The accelerator Laboratory is also a national Finnish Roadmap 2020 infrastructure.


JYU’s main areas of competence:

  • advanced materials studies and energy and cultural heritage applications
  • data analysis and simulation software for ion beam analysis

Role in RADIATE:

    • provide 1300 hours of transnational access to users
    • contribute to joint research activities
    • task leader of “Quality Control and Assurance of TA” JYU is responsible to  monitor the quality of TA within RADIATE
    • Task leader “Multidetector / Multitechnique arrangements”


JYU Helium Ion Microscope © JYU / Petteri KivimäkiJYU Pelletron lab © JYU / Petteri Kivimäki JYU campus © JYU / Timo SajavaaraJYU Pelletron lab JYU HIM © JYU / Petteri Kivimäki




Department of Physics
P.O. Box 35
FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä

Street Address: Survontie 9 C

RADIATE contact:

Contact for all inquiries including transnational access:

Professor Timo Sajavaara

+358 40 805 4114

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