How to apply for Transnational Access

Astrid Berens


Register at RADIATE GATE

Register as a user at RADIATE GATE. The GATE proposal submission system is used by RADIATE coordinator HZDR’s user facilities. For RADIATE, the GATE system was improved to accommodate transnational access and several facilities. You will receive a welcome email asking you to finalize the registration. Registration has to be finished within 24 h after email receipt. After your account was activated you can begin with your proposal application.

In case of problems, please contact the help desk. A user handbook for GATE will be published shortly.

Choose a category

RADIATE transnational access is provided in two categories: ion beam analysis (IBA) and materials modification. When submitting your proposal you will have to choose one of these categories. If you are an experienced user and know what you are doing you may proceed to filling out the proposal template, which is the basis for the proposal you are going to submit to RADIATE GATE.

If you need help choosing a category and/or category topic, please contact the help desk.

The term “Ion Beam Analysis” encompasses a variety of techniques used to analyze surfaces and near-surfaces of samples.

We split IBA into different topics to make it easier for you to choose:

Elemental analysis and depth profiling

Elemental analysis of material samples, such as minerals, chemical compounds, liquids or soil, is done to find out more about the elemental and sometimes isotopic composition. It can tell you what elements are present in a sample or how much of each element are present. Depth profiling measures the depth of these elements in a sample.

This is mostly done by standard techniques like

  • RBS
  • ERD
  • NRA
  • PIGE
  • MEIS

Ultrahigh sensitivity

with AMS for

  • cosmogenic dating
  • environmental traces
  • special nuclides

Lateral imaging

Access to analysis in ambient conditions, a major advantage of IBA as compared to other analytical methods, is provided for lateral imaging with an external microbeam using various techniques at seven different facilities.

  • External microbeam IBA
  • (ambient) MeV SIMS
  • ?-beam
  • He-Ne microscopy
  • H microscopy
  • IBIC

Defect analysis

helps you find defect structures and impurities in your sample.

  • RBS in channeling conditions

Real-time in-situ analysis

for dynamic changes in stoichiometry during high temperature or other extreme experimental conditions.

  • Dynamic / high-T IBA

Materials modification includes ion implantation for low ion fluences and ion irradiation for high ion fluences. Implantation and irradiation can be done homogeneously on a large area with a broad beam or locally with a focused beam and with single ion impacts.

The depth of the modification or implantation can be adjusted between several hundreds of micrometres by using swift heavy ions with energies between few MeV and GeV and a few nm by using low-energy or highly-charged ions. In particular for surface modifications and implantation in 2D materials ultra-low ion energies of a few tens of eV will be provided.

Broad Beam

  • Implantation / doping
  • Multi-beam
  • Clean environment


  • Non-Ga FIB, He/Ne microscope
  • Single ion implantation
  • Cell irradiation


  • MeV ions
  • Swift heavy ions


  • Low-energy ions
  • Highly-charged ions

Prepare your proposal

After you choose a category, you will need to write your experiment proposal. It consists of a scientific case and an experimental plan explaining what you want to investigate and what you are hoping to achieve. We provided a template for you to use below. Please note that there is a maximum of 80 hours of beamtime per proposal.

Please ensure all information is as straightforward and short as possible (max. 2 pages) for a speedy evaluation process.

The following information needs to be included in your proposal:

1. Title
2. Motivation and scientific background
3. Previous results on this topic if available (mainly related to the proposer’s work)
4. Description of the proposed experiment including most relevant technical data
5. Description of the next steps following the transnational access
6. References

  • Proposal template


Submit your RADIATE transnational access application

Once you have collected all the information you need, you can login to RADIATE GATE and start the application process via “My proposals” ? “Submit a new proposal.”

Fill in all the information required, choose at least a category (mandatory), and a topic and method (both optional). Please upload your filled-out proposal-

Your application is saved as a draft if you need to pause the process and continue later. If you need support during the proposal submission process, please do not hesitate to contact the helpdesk.

After you sent your application, you are immediately going to see an online confirmation and receive an e-mail that you successfully handed in your proposal.

The Transnational Access Leader will check your proposal for eligibility, feasibility, and sanity. The TA leader might contact you to clarify information and ask you to make some changes. Then, the TA leader forwards your application to the external user selection panel for evaluation.

After your RADIATE Transnational Access stay: submit an experimental report

Submit a report of your transnational access within 3 weeks of completing your stay at a RADIATE ion beam facility. A timely submission is necessary to be considered for future beam time allocations.

We strongly urge TA users to make their publications and data open access as this project is funded by the EU and supports the FAIR principle.

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