RADIATE Guest Researcher Program

Astrid Berens

The RADIATE Guest Researcher Program aims to spread knowledge and application of ion beam technologies in European or Associated countries where ion beam facilities are inexistent or less developed. For this purpose, in particular young researchers from public research or industry are invited to apply for a fully funded stay at one of the RADIATE ion beam facilities. The duration of the guest researcher stay has to be between six weeks and three months.

The guest researchers are expected to act as a seed for the use of ion beam technology in their respective home country and are encouraged to organize small workshops after their return, e.g. as a satellite meeting to a national conference. Such workshops will be co-funded by RADIATE and will be supported by speakers from the RADIATE consortium.

During their stay at a RADIATE facility, the guest researchers will

  • learn about typical applications of ion beam technology in research and industry
  • gain experience and become familiar with the use of ion beam devices
  • discuss possible activities with regard to scientific and industrial specifics in their home country
  • take part in local experiments
  • have the opportunity to prepare for their own user campaign within the RADIATE Transnational Access scheme

Who is eligible for the RADIATE guest researcher program?

RADIATE supports potential new users from countries where national ion beam centers do not exist or where they are under early development. The RADIATE guest researcher program aims to foster knowledge transfers from EU-countries with highly developed scientific infrastructure regions to less active EU or Associated countries.

Applicants must be employed as a research scientist in a public institution or industry in a European or Associated country.

In particular, applicants from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia, will be supported. Others are not excluded from applying for the program, but will not get preferential treatment.

Associated countries are Iceland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Moldova, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Ukraine, Tunisia, Georgia, and Armenia.

What are the available funds?

RADIATE covers travel costs of up to € 300, accommodation costs of up to € 80 per day, and a daily subsistence of € 35. Where possible, guest researchers will be accommodated at the hosting facility’s guest house.

The maximum duration of each stay is three months. 5 guest researcher campaigns are envisaged in total for the four-year duration of RADIATE.

Which ion beam facilities will be available for the guest researcher program?

All non-industrial RADIATE project partners (see list on the right) may take part in the guest researcher program. After an applicant is chosen for the program, he/she will be matched with the most appropriate ion beam facility and mentor. If you already are in contact with a specific RADIATE facility, you can ask to be matched with this one during the application process.

How do you apply for the RADIATE guest researcher program?

Applications for the guest researcher program are done via our RADIATE guest researcher program form. You will have to provide us with your information, such as contact and employment details. Furthermore, we are asking you for your motivation to take part in the guest researcher program, with special regard to the scientific and industrial environment in your home country. If there are any specific ion beam techniques you wish to learn more about, please let us know so we can find you the most appropriate facility.

The call for guest researcher positions is open continuously. Based on the applications, the guest researchers will be selected by the RADIATE Executive Board members on a case-by-case basis.

Apply now for the RADIATE guest researcher program. 

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