LARN, Belgium

Astrid Berens

The LARN (“Laboratoire d’Analyse par Réactions Nucléaires”) is a research and development laboratory of the University of Namur housing a 2 MV Tandem accelerator (ALTAÏS) from High Voltage Engineering Europa (commissioned in 1998). Thanks to its two ions sources (SNICS 860 & Duoplasmatron 358) ALTAÏS can provide ion beams of almost any stable elements with an incident energy ranging from a few keV to 16 MeV.

The LARN has a long history in applying IBMM & IBA techniques in various research fields including functional (nano)materials, functional coatings, microelectronics, photovoltaics, batteries, cultural heritage… Over the last few years, we have developed skills to handle a wide range of samples (metals, welds, glass, polymers, powders, liquids, in-vivo biological materials, aerosols, cultural heritage artefacts…). Our analytical capabilities have recently been strengthened with the commissioning of a µ-probe from Oxford Microbeams (that we are currently setting up to carry out standard IBA at atmospheric pressure). We have also developed a very low-background gamma-ray detection system allowing us to measure low-level radioactive materials or pushing PIGE to its best sensitivity.

Finally, we have dedicated an end-station to life science research. With the help of a multidisciplinary team, we study experimentally and theoretically the cells response to photons (X-ray) or particles (H, He or C) irradiation. We are also able to synthesize nanoparticles and study the cells response to their exposure.

LARN’s areas of competence:

  • Standard IBA (RBS, ERD, NRA, PIGE, PIXE) with broad- or micro-beam.
  • Low-background gamma-ray detection
  • Cells irradiation: proton (from 1,3 to 4 MeV), alpha (5,3 MeV) and carbon(12 MeV)
  • Low- (1.5 – 36 keV) and medium- (0.15 – 16 MeV) energy ion implantation

Ion Beam Implantation:

Ion speciesH - Au (stable nuclides, poly-atomic ions)
Ion energy150 keV - 16 MeV
Depth rangetypically 1 - 150 µm
Fluence1014 - 1018 cm2
Incidence angleStandard 0°, 7°
Beam current100 nA - 10 µA
Beam size1 cm2
Sample sizeTypically 2 cm2
Temperature room temperature
Ion speciesH - Au (stable nuclides, poly-atomic ions)
Ion energy3 keV - 36 keV
Depth rangetypically 0.1 - 5 µm
Fluence1014 - 1018 cm-2
Incidence angleStandard 0°
Beam current1-10 µA
Beam size6 x 12 mm2
Sample sizeTypically 2 cm2
Temperature room temperature

Ion Beam Analysis:

MethodElementsDetection limit [at%]Resolution depthResolution lateralother
RBS / EBSC - U0.110 nm1 mm (broad beam)
1 µm (micro beam)
5 axis sample holder
ERDAH0.115 nm1.5 mm5 axis sample holder
PIXENa - U0.000115 µm1 mm (broad beam)
1 µm (micro beam)
5 axis sample holder
NRAH, B, C, N, F, O, …0.0015 nm1 mm (broad beam)
1 µm (micro beam)
5 axis sample holder

Cells Irradiation:

Dose rate (Gy/s)0,01-1000
ionsp (from 1,3 to 4 MeV), alpha (5,3 MeV) and carbon(12 MeV)
beam size~1 cm²
special featurespossibility of pulsed beam

Low-Background system:

MethodElementsDetection limit [at%]Resolution depthresolution
RNRA/PIGE (gamma detection)H, C, F,…0.005~nm~mm
Methodvolume of sampleBackground count rate
(0,3-3,0 MeV ; cps)
Background count rate
(3,0-66,0 MeV ; cps)
Energy resolution
radioactivity analysis~1dm³, solid or liquid0,50,41,9 keV à 1332 keV


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