The 17th International Conference on Nuclear Microbeam Technology and Applications (ICNMTA2020) is taking place from 13-18 September 2020 in Bled, Slovenia. The conference is organized by RADIATE project partner Jožef Stefan Institute.
The conference will cover the following topics:
Nuclear Microprobe Instrumentation: Beam Optics, Accelerators and Ion Sources, Detectors, Acquisition, Data Processing and Software
Techniques: Micro-PIXE, Proton Beam Writing, MeV SIMS, Ion Beam Analysis at Microprobes, Ion Microscopes/FIBs, Sample Preparation Protocols
Nuclear Microprobe Applications: Single-ion Implantations and Quantum Technology, Biology and Medicine, Forensics and Cultural Heritage, Material Science and Energy, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Nanostructures and Nanodevices, Hadron Therapy
Three workshops/meetings will be associated with the conference:
- RADIATE Data Management Workshop (Garching, Germany)
- RADIATE/CROSSING Workshop on the preparation of Biological Materials for Ion Microscopies (10th and 11th September 2020; Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- RADIATE Joint Research Action Meeting (Slovenia, location t. b. a.)
Abstracts can be submitted until 30 April 2020 and early bird registration closes on 1 July 2020.
Visit the ICNMTA2020 website for more information on the programme and the invited speakers.