The RADIATE project aims to promote research with ion beam technology. Therefore, RADIATE wishes to introduce scientists to ion beam technology. The RADIATE twinning program matches inexperienced users with established groups doing research at one of the RADIATE project partner facilities offering transnational access. The program is aimed at people who have found out about the possibility to include ion beams in their research but are in need of guidance.
During this “internship”, the new user accompanies the experimental campaign of an established group. The new user has a mentor and is introduced to the local ion beam facility. Furthermore, the mentor and mentee will discuss possibilities to include ion beam technology in the mentee’s research and develop ideas for experiments and projects. Besides hands-on learning and discussions, the mentee gets valuable input from experienced users, such as tips on proposal writing.
Interested candidates for the program have to fill out an online application. Twice a year, the RADIATE executive board chooses candidates and matches them with the most appropriate project partner.
Check the RADIATE twinning program website for more information on the program, eligibility, the application procedure, and travel support.