The RADIATE project officially started back in January 2019 aiming to promote ion beam technology and its use in Europe. RADIATE will achieve this by spreading the word through training programs geared towards experienced users as well as new and inexperienced users in order to grow the current user base.

One of RADIATE’s most anticipated aspects is the transnational access program, which is now open for the submission of proposals. RADIATE Transnational access offers researchers beamtime at no charge and a travel grant at one of RADIATE’s ion beam facilities to carry out their experiments.
In order to be granted access to one of the ion beam facilities, researchers have to hand in a proposal, which will be evaluated by an external user selection panel. Only positively evaluated proposals get allocated beam times at one of the facilities.
In total, RADIATE offers up to 15.800 hours of transnational access. For now, there are no calls for proposal submissions. Instead, continuous proposal submissions are possible to ensure a prompt start of the program. This might change in the future if the need for calls arises.
Find out more about the application process.
RADIATE user selection panel established
During RADIATE’s kick-off meeting in January, the general assembly nominated external, independent professionals for the transnational access user selection panel. All members of the user selection panel are independent of the RADIATE project to avoid conflicts of interest.They were chosen to cover the entire range of materials science and trans-disciplinary topics offered in the project.
The panel is meeting with RADIATE coordinator HZDR in the beginning of April to agree upon the evaluation procedure and rules.