Different times call for different measures. Originally, it was foreseen that RADIATE’s partners meet for a workshop on the joint research activities (JRA) that have been going on for the past year and a half or are about to be started. However, the uncertainty of the Corona pandemic has made planning for an in-person workshop near to impossible. Thus, RADIATE’s JRA officer, Lino da Costa Pereira from KU Leuven, decided it would be best to have an online meeting instead. The meeting has been split in a series of specific task-related workshops.
The first workshop on microbeam optics was successfully held last week with three more days of workshops (18, 21, 22 September) to come, covering topics such as versatile high-brightness sources, ion cooling, single ion detection, and high-resolution x-ray detectors.
The meetings are for RADIATE project partners only.