The ICACS-SHIM 2024 Conference (30th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids & 12th International Symposium on Swift Heavy Ions in Matter) is taking place from 24-29 November 2024 at the Research School of Physics, Australian National University, Canberra Australia.
Scope of the ICACS-SHIM 2024 Conference:
Charge-exchange processes;
Particle excitation and ionization;
Energy loss, scattering and channelling of primary and secondary particles;
Electron, atom, ion and photon emission processes;
Slow highly-charged-ion interactions at surfaces;
Radiation damage and materials modification, including nuclear-energy materials;
High energy density physics with intense ion beams and in relation to plasma physics;
Collision-induced physical, chemical and biological reactions
Interactions of swift heavy ions with gases, liquids, solids and plasma;
Electronic excitation, charge transfer processes, and local energy deposition;
Conversion of electronic excitation energy into atomic motion, and atomic displacements;
Material modifications, ion track formation and modification;
Creation of point defects and defect clusters, sputtering, mixing and recrystallisation;
Materials response in extreme environments;
Chemical and biological radiation effects;
Swift heavy ion-induced processes in organic and inorganic materials;
Radiobiology and tumour therapy with ion beams
Heavy-ion micro-and nanotechnology;
Effects of swift heavy ions on electronic devices;
Geological, astrophysical and other applications based on high-energy accelerators;
Dynamics of nuclear reactions and investigation of nuclear structure and dark matter
Abstract submission deadline is 15 April 2024.
Registration opens on 16 June 2024.
All relevant information can be found at https://www.icacs-shim2024.com/