IAEA International Conference on Accelerators for Research and Sustainable Development

The International Conference on Accelerators for Research and Sustainable Development: From Good Practices Towards Socioeconomic Impact is taking place from 23–27 May 2022 in Vienna, Austria.

The Conference is organized by IAEA and will present an international stage for discussing accelerator applications in research and industry, foster exchange of information on best practices in accelerator facility utilization and management, and to provide a showcase how achievements and experience attained with accelerator technologies contribute to a sustainable development. All types of accelerators will be considered: from low-energy ion-beam electrostatic accelerators to cyclotrons, from compact accelerator-based neutron sources to large-scale spallation facilities, from electron-based irradiation facilities to synchrotron light sources, and many others.

The conference is targeted towards research scientists engaged in accelerator-based research and applications; accelerator operators and users; entrepreneurs or stakeholders involved in applications of accelerator technologies; and policy makers and regulators.


  • 1 October 2021: Submission of synopses through IAEA-INDICO
  • 1 October 2021: Submission of Form B (together with Form A) through the InTouch+ platform
  • 1 October 2021: Submission of Form C (together with Form A) through the InTouch+ platform
  • 1 December 2021: Notification of acceptance of synopses for oral or poster presentation

Further information is available at iaea.org

The event is finished.


May 23 - 27 2022


All Day

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Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Austria
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About Ionbeamcenters.eu

Ionbeamcenters.eu launched on 01 January 2019 with ion beam facilities taking part in the RADIATE project. Other (European) facilities are invited to be featured on IBC.eu as well to showcase European know-how and expertise in the field of ion beam physics.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824096

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